
Goofus gallant
Goofus gallant

goofus gallant

Goofus has worn the same green hoodie since 2006, while Gallant has worn the same red T-shirt over a white long-sleeve shirt since 2006.

  • Limited Wardrobe: At least in Leslie Harrington's illustrations.
  • goofus gallant

    Early Installment Weirdness: Check out that 1951 image again.Art Evolution: There've been at least three illustrators over the years, and the first (Marion Hull Hammel) could give Jeph Jacques lessons in self-consious changing of drawing style.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ĭreated in 1948 by Garry Cleveland Myers, "Goofus and Gallant" is a feature in Highlights for Children where two boys named Gallant (good) and Goofus (bad) would teach examples of what is good and bad to do, such as "Goofus bosses his friends.

    goofus gallant

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    Goofus gallant